Friday, August 14, 2009

Who Told You I Gave a Fuck!

This nut Chris Crocker said it best "I give a damn that you think I give a fuck." Get it. Yea, so anyway my UBH's today is about just that you not giving a fuck about shit that doesn't concern you and if it does concern...still don't give a fuck. I mean life is what you make it. If one really gave a damn about everything in life I think Miss America would finally get the world peace she wants. Okay! Like, I just can't sit around giving a fuck about what people say, do, wear, who they fuck, what they drive I mean wheretheydothatat??? Come on its 2009, I stop caring about other people back in 03" when I came out the closet or flew out, however it happened. But the fact of the matter is why should we give we fuck? I mean if it's not making now money or bringing something positive to my life why in the hell should I give a fuck? I hate when your friends call and talk to you about shit they you don't care for then get mad when your response isn't what they expected. You know I don't give a fuck about what you talking about so shut the fuck up! It amazes me how much people tell me about my attitude and how I take everything as a joke well fuck it. You don't have to talk to me. I wouldn't care any less if you left me alone. In fact, that might be what some people need to do leave others the fuck alone. In the end if it ain't about you and it's not serious why should give a fuck???


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